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  • nandinamason

The Nandina Art Blog

Welcome to My Blog!

My name is Nandina Mason, and I am a Derbyshire Artist, painting images in Oil, Acrylic and Pastels. I am also a potter and specialise in Raku (an ancient Japanese style of firing and glazing).

My Painting life

Since I can remember I have just HAD to be creative. I can remember drawing being encouraged to draw at my grandmothers table at the age of 4 years old. Some people keep a written diary of what has happened, where they have been......mine is in pictures on an artpad, and it has always and still is the way I remember places, people and life events.

My Pottery life

I have never chosen to do things the easy way...... Yes, I started as a child with air-dry clay and made a hand formeds pots for my Mum and family members. I then progressed to stoneware and had some fabulous tutelage from the amazing Tim Huckstep. It was he who inspired me to take the challenge of becoming a Raku potter. The excitement of creating something that takes a life of it's own (you never know quite how a glaze will turn out when firing a Raku glaze!) keeps my passion burning for this amazing style of pottery.

Join my journey

So I hope that you will enjoy my future posts. I am going to write about what inspires me. I'll let you know where I'm exibiting and in my posts (of course) will be full of my latest paintings and creations. I will also be posting links to my YouTube channel, so you can see images taking form and you can join in the excitement of a Raku firing.

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